Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's official!!!

I've got a job!!!
From next monday I will be working in the Radiology department in Luebeck. Bit soon for finding an appartment and getting organized, but it means I will get paid soon ;-)
So if anyone travelling Northern Germany wants to stop by, let me know.
Luebeck has an old city center with lots of old timbered houses. And I think the christmas market is quite famous, I went there once and it was really pretty. Also it's close to the Baltic Sea with some nice beaches.
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist again, they will open my bone to finally get rid of that infection. Aaahhhh!!! Am a bit scared!

1 comment:

Elmi said...

Juhu, du bist ja ein Glückspilz!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Vielleicht sieht man sich dann ja mal in Lübeck...hmmm Marzipan ;)!

Liebe Grüße aus Berlin

Elmi (und Anne ;))